Amore Hospice Care

9 Hospice Care Myths Dispelled

A nurse helps the senior woman dialing a number on the tiny keyboard.

Many people misunderstand hospice, largely because they may have heard many myths about this compassionate end-of-life support. We would like to clear up some of these misunderstandings to help you and your family make the most of this important service.

9 Myths About Hospice

  1. It Means Giving Up Hope
  2. It’s Too Expensive For Me
  3. It Is Only For Cancer Patients
  4. Hospice Is A Specific Location
  5. It Does Not Require A Resuscitation Order
  6. Care Isn’t Available If I Receive Regular Treatment
  7. It Is Not Palliative Care
  8. Support Is Only Available To Individuals With 24/7 Support
  9. For Information, Patients Need A Doctor’s Order

Myth #1: Choosing Hospice Means That You & Your Family Have Lost Hope For A Cure

Fact: It is true that hospice focuses on palliative care and not on a cure. However, it does not mean that patients have to be “ready to die” or that their families are ready to let them go before they receive the exceptional support they need and deserve.

Myth #2: I Can’t Afford Hospice

Fact: Medicare and Medicaid Benefits cover a wide range of services. Your provider can help you and your family check for benefit coverage with your private insurance or determine if one of these benefits can help.

Myth #3: It Is Only For Patients With Cancer

Fact: While many people in hospice have cancer, others have heart or lung disease, Alzheimer’s disease, kidney problems, HIV/AIDS, or other illnesses.

Myth #4: Hospice Is A Place

Fact: Care can be provided in any location that the patient calls home, including private residences and independent living, assisted living, and skilled nursing facilities.

Myth #5: Patients Need A ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Order

Fact: A person can receive support without having signed a DNR. In fact, the Patient-Self Determination Act prevents hospices from discriminating against patients for having a DNR or other advance directives.

Myth #6: I Can’t Get Hospice If I Still Get Regular Treatments For My Illness

Fact: The Medicare benefits may cover chemotherapy, blood transfusions radiation, or other treatments as long as those treatments are providing ‘comfort support’ for patients with a life expectancy of six months or less.

Myth #7: Hospice Is Not Palliative Care

Fact: Unlike home health, whose services generally decrease over time, hospice care increases as the patient’s condition warrants additional care.

Myth #8: Patients Must Already Receive Around-The-Clock Support

Fact: Some support services require caregivers before admitting patients, but not all.

Myth #9: A Doctor’s Order Is Needed To Learn About Hospice

Fact: While you need a doctor’s order to receive hands-on care, you can discuss the benefits with a provider at any time. Your provider can work with your physician to identify your individual needs.

Get The Support You Need

Our team of professionals at Amore Hospice Care is available to answer your questions about myths and facts. Contact us to learn more and discuss comforting support for your loved one.

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