Amore Hospice Care

Pediatric Hospice

Amore Kidz - Pediatric Hospice In Las Vegas

Amore Kidz is the dedicated pediatric hospice program serving Las Vegas families at Amore Hospice Care. Our goal is to provide exceptional concurrent care for children diagnosed with life-limiting illnesses. Our mission is to support medically fragile children and their families by combining curative, life-prolonging treatments with comprehensive palliative care services.

Understanding Concurrent Care In Pediatric Hospice

Concurrent care is a relatively new program established under the Affordable Care Act. It allows parents to pursue comfort care (hospice) without forgoing curative treatments for their child. This innovative approach ensures that children receive both the supportive services of hospice and necessary medical treatments, such as radiation, chemotherapy, and specialized physician visits.

The Benefits Of Concurrent Care

The primary benefit of concurrent care is that families do not have to choose between comfort and curative care. By integrating both approaches, we can provide a holistic and compassionate care plan that addresses:

  • Comprehensive Support: Families receive the benefits of both palliative and curative care simultaneously.
  • No Cost to Families: All medications, supplies, and equipment related to the child’s palliative care diagnosis are provided at no cost.
  • Holistic Approach: Focuses on the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the child and family.

Our Specialized Pediatric Program

Our pediatric program is designed to offer concurrent care, ensuring every child and family in our community has access to compassionate and quality care. Whether a patient is an infant or a teenager, we believe that every moment counts.

Key Features Of Amore Kidz

One of the standout features of our program is our interdisciplinary collaboration. Our team works across all disciplines and providers to address the comprehensive needs of the child and family. This collaborative approach is crucial for developing an individualized and holistic plan of care for the child.

  • Physical
  • Developmental
  • Emotional
  • Psychosocial
  • Educational
  • Spiritual
  • Cultural
  • Medication
  • Equipment Needs

We are committed to a family-centered care model that enhances the lives of families through compassion and holistic care. Our team supports the specialized needs of children from birth to age 21, ensuring that their unique requirements are met at every stage of their development.

Meet The Amore Kidz Team

Our compassionate and skilled team is at the heart of our concurrent care program. Here’s a look at the dedicated professionals who make up our team:

  • Pediatric Physicians: Collaborate with the child’s existing healthcare providers and are available for pain and symptom management consultations or house calls.
  • Nurses: Pediatric-trained caregivers who provide hands-on care in the home, managing symptoms such as pain, vomiting, agitation, and fever.
  • Social Workers: Skilled in pediatric psychosocial issues, they offer support to the child, family, and other caregivers, working closely with the hospital team and pediatrician’s office staff.
  • Spiritual Counselors: Provide spiritual and emotional support, working in collaboration with the family’s clergy.
  • Massage Therapists: Promote healing through touch.
  • Specially Trained Volunteers: Provide additional support by spending time with the child or siblings, and giving parents some free moments.
  • Respiratory Therapists, Dietitians, and Other Specialists: Address children’s unique medical needs.
  • Child Life Specialists: Utilize age-appropriate play therapy, music therapy, and art therapy to support children and their families.
  • Bereavement Programs: Help family members cope with ongoing challenges before and after a child has passed away.

Comprehensive Care Planning

At Amore Kidz, our focus is on enhancing the quality of life and optimizing function while alleviating pain and discomfort. Our program is tailored for children with complex, chronic, or advanced illnesses.

Each child’s care plan is updated every 14 days to ensure it meets their evolving needs. Our seamless coordination ensures that all specialists are informed of the most recent treatment plans, providing cohesive and comprehensive care.

Support For The Whole Family

In the US, over 45,000 infants, children, adolescents, and young adults die annually due to life-limiting illnesses. The loss of a child is a life-altering experience, and at Amore Kidz, we provide the expertise and compassionate care needed during these challenging times.

Hospice care helps the family focus on the child without undermining care for the rest of the family. Amore Kidz provides patient and family-centered care to support the overall emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being of children with life-limiting illnesses, as well as their families.

We believe the improvement of overall well-being elicits hopes and values that help promote the goal of concurrent medical care throughout all stages of illness. 

Child Life Specialists & Spiritual Counselors

Our Child Life Specialists and Spiritual Counselors are essential in providing the necessary support during a family’s most difficult times. They offer therapeutic interventions and emotional support, helping families navigate the complexities of their child’s illness.

Our highly trained team places emphasis on caring for our patients as well as their families. Pediatric hospice care is family-centric rather than patient-centric. The hospice team works with the family of the child and the child’s other physicians to achieve seamless physical, psychosocial, and spiritual care.

The parents take the lead in determining the care plan in collaboration with their physician, and the needs of siblings and other relatives.

We're Here To Support You

Amore Kidz is committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive care for medically fragile children and their families in Las Vegas. Our concurrent care program ensures that children receive both curative treatments and palliative support, enhancing their quality of life and offering hope and healing to their families.

By focusing on the holistic needs of each child and family, we strive to make every moment count. Amore Hospice Care is here to support you through every step of your journey, providing the care and compassion you deserve.

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